Dhuni pooja and his power
My name is Balambigaa
I got married in the year 2013,but was not fortunate enough to have a baby for 2 and half years,and tried many sort of treatments but didn’t yield results,as I had problems from even my pubetry age for 10 years without any improvement for 10 years
Meanwhile I got married also in this situation,I underwent many treatments as mentioned above without any improvement, that is when my Doctor advised me for Artificial fidelity i.e. test tube baby as the only final resort and listed me the following
The above process will have to be repeatedly performed till I get pregnancy,and the expenses would be 2.5 lacs and further treatment may cost rs.50,000/- each time,listening this I was shattered by the finances and fear and was totally blank of what to do next
My family friend after hearing all this told me to go to Kelambakkam saibaba temple and pray there, as proving like god is the only help for one who has no other way,
I took the same friend with me for my company and went to the temple,I could get peace of mind,then with the blessings of sainath,I learnt about Dhuni pooja and his power,I become confident,with the same confidence I wanted to start the pooja and get benefitted with Saibaba’s help,I started performing Dhuni pooja for 9 weeks on a thursday,as a god who can give what is asked for as asked,has heard my prayer and made myself and my people feel very happy,on the 7th week ,yes I got conceieved naturally,what a miracle
The Doctor after confirming my pregnancy,told me to offer his happiness to Baba as his gratitude,think baba in his heart,he said you’ve done this baba and it is not my deed